California Marriage License Requirements

You may obtain your license at any County Clerk’s office in California. You do not need to obtain your license in the county where you live, or the county where you’ll be married. We recommend that you call the County Clerk’s office to see if they suggest setting an appointment to obtain your license, in some counties there are long lines depending on the location, day, and time you go.
Both parties (you and your fiancé(e)) must apply in person together at any County Clerk’s office.
Bring an unexpired photo ID such as driver’s license or passport to verify your identities.
Some counties recommend bringing certified copies of your birth certificates.
You must also know your parents’ names, mothers’ maiden names, and places of their birth in order to apply. We recommend contacting that clerk’s office prior to going there to make sure you have all the documents and information you need to apply.
California marriage licenses are only valid for 90 days, so you must obtain your marriage license within the 90 days immediately prior to your wedding date.
- No blood test is required.
- There is no waiting period. The clerk will give you your license immediately.
- If you have been married before, you must show proof of divorce, death or annulment.
- The cost for applying varies by county, and some counties will only accept cash payments.
- After your ceremony, your officiant is legally required to file your license within 10 days.
Generally, couples are permitted to submit requests for certified copies beginning 7 days after the wedding date. Instructions for obtaining certified copies are included in your marriage license packet.
REMEMBER! Make sure you bring your marriage license on your wedding day – your officiant cannot legally marry you if your license is not physically present before they begin your ceremony.
Your officiant will file it with the county on your behalf, and the county will mail it back to you within a few weeks to confirm that everything is official.
California confidential marriage licenses are available at all California county clerk’s offices.
Only the parties listed on the marriage license may get certified copies of the marriage certificate. You control access to the marriage record with a confidential marriage license, otherwise your marriage license is a public record and anyone may view it at any time.
The parties to the marriage must be living together prior to the marriage.
The wedding ceremony must take place in the county where the marriage license was issued.
No witnesses are required, and there is no waiting period.
Fees for California confidential marriage license vary by county. In some counties it is more expensive than a public license, in others it is the same price.
A confidential marriage license is valid for 90 days after date of issue just like a public license
(Applies to both public (normal) and confidential marriage licenses)
The “Name Equality Act of 2007” allows one (or both) parties applying for a marriage license in California to change their middle and/or last name, which takes effect after the marriage has been solemnized (after you’re actually married, not after you apply).
The decision to change your name must be made at the time you apply for a marriage license. That means you need to think about it and decide whether to change your name BEFORE you go to the county clerk to apply.
Note This information is true and correct to the best of our knowledge, and we do our best to maintain the most up-to-date information based on the law and our experience marrying couples. Mario Luis Officiants are not responsible for any losses due to inaccurate or outdated information on this website – if you find that any of our information is incorrect, please contact us and we will update our site!